Sunday, February 3, 2019

Topic Research

King Dasharatha grieving at his obligation to exile Rama (image source from Wikipedia)

Dasharatha was known to be the son of Princess Indumati and King Aja. He eventually became king when both his parents died. He had three wives during his life- Kausalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra. The story of Dasharatha mistakenly killing Shravan Kumara is a good example of karma. He went hunting and thought he heard a deer drinking water, but it ended up being a young boy trying to get a pitcher of water for his parents. Dasharatha shot him with an arrow through his chest and was completely mortified. This just exemplify karma for wanting to shoot or kill anything that is outside. Needing to be more aware what was around him before he assumed.

Rama and Sita
Rama is a deity and one of the most popular incarnations. The story of Rama and Shurpanakha is another example of karma. For 10 years, Rama was wandering and came upon Shurpanakha, known as a demoness. She was deeply captivated with Rama, so she tried to seduce him but he rejected her. So, she tried to get back by threatening Sita. The younger brother, Lakshmana, retaliated back by cutting off her nose and ears. Ravana, the demon king brother of Shurpanakha, kidnapped Sita and became attracted to her. Once Rama and Lakshmana discovered Sita was kidnapped, they traveled far to find Sita. While Sita was kidnapped, she was forced to be a concubine and constantly harassed, but she constantly refused him. Rama finds Sita and Ravana and kills him then rescued his wife. The story relays to karma for Ravana and Shurpanakha, knowing nothing good will come out of it for being ruthless.

She was one of the wives of Dasharatha’s with their son, Bharata. During that time, Rama, son of Kausalya and Dasharatha, he was going to be crowned king. She was thrilled with excitement because it could have been her son too, but Manthara, her nurse, got into her head. Manthara was worried that Kaikeyi would be degraded and lose her status as Chief Queen at court when Rama became King. She constantly reminded Kaikeyi and wanted her to be fueled with jealousy and hate. Eventually, she caved in and gave into jealously. Kaikeyi demanded Bharata to be crowned King and Rama sent to exile for 14 years. When Dasharatha heard of these demands, he immediately passed out. After sending his son to exile, he was filled with grief and a broken heart then he died. In the end, Kaikeyi lost it all. Bharata blamed his mother for his father’s death and swore to never ascend the throne because it was Rama’s fate.

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