Thursday, January 24, 2019

Week 2 Story: Ant and the Bird

At this village called Soju Hut where ants filled up the village. They were cohabitant with worms, butterflies, spiders, and caterpillars. In this village of ants, they were absolutely terrified of birds and snakes. They have this sacred tradition that they have to go in hiding in their hole every time they encounter a bird or a snake. Every time they saw some type of bird in the sky, they would go straight into their hole and hide.

In this village, there was this special ant named Luna who loved being friends with everyone, regardless if you were a snake or bird. Her parents were the King and Queen of their special village, so she was always forbidden to leave the village for safety reasons. Eventually, Luna came to realize she wanted to be free from the village and encountered a bird. She found them friendly, but her village and parents did not. Later on, she snuck out a lot and became close friends with this bird named Bloom. Every morning, he brought her a strawberry when she visits him at the cliffs. It was located right outside her village where crows, snakes, and tigers lived around.

One day, Bloom wanted to take her to a place field full of strawberries, but Luna knew it would not have worked out because she cannot fly and her strict parents. Bloom asked, “why don’t you just stay in my mouth while I fly there? We’ll be back before sundown”. Luna knew how dangerous it would have been, but she hated being stuck in that village. People in the village always assumed everything was dangerous and everyone was out to eat them.
Luna caved in and said “okay, as long as we’re back before sundown”.

Bloom flew a couple miles to reach the strawberry field and reached to their destination. Luna was amazed how beautiful and big the field was. They gathered lots of strawberries, so she could carry back to her village, but she realized she did not want to go back. She became friends with other ants, birds, and caterpillars at the field and seeing how much joy they have. Luna ended up staying there and said, “why would I ever go back home when there’s food here”. Bloom could not stop her but he had to leave to help out his family.
A week went by, Luna got eaten by a crow.

It is similar to how the turtle was flying with the Geese to their home. The only way the turtle could travel was by biting onto a stick the whole way and not talk. Someone made fun of him for looking ridiculous when the geese flew over a village and got very defensive. In the end, he talked and died. 

"The Turtle and the Geese" from Jataka Anthology by Ellen C. Babbitt. Web Source.


  1. Hi Tracy!

    I really like how you were able to retell this animal story using a different set of animals instead of using humans. It was quite creative, and had elements of teenage rebellion mixed with adventure, but it still was able to get the original moral of the story across. I think it could be really interested if you provided more backstory for Luna, and gave more information about what caused her change of heart once she arrive at the strawberry field.

  2. Hi Tracy!

    I really enjoyed your story! It was a really crazy twist at the end because when I thought Bloom wasn't going to eat her I was sure that she was safe, but no! I like this twist on the story because you mentioned in your introduction how you like to travel so I thought it was funny that the little ant loves it too. Great job!

  3. Hi Tracy! I like how you used different animals to retell the story of the turtle and the geese jataka! I enjoy reading the jatakas so naturally I like reading everyone's story over jatakas.

  4. Hi Tracy! As I said in a previous comment, I really like stories that use the turtle Jataka Tale as a premise, and you actually made two stories! This one was a lot of fun to read too, I especially like how you made something completely new and unique out of it. I thought I knew what the story was based on at first, but then Bloom did not eat her so I thought I was mistaken... until the end at least. Overall, great story again!


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